1. Define operating system and list any four operating systems.
2. What is an operating system? Mention the types of operating systems with examples for each.
3. State the functions of operating system.
4. (1) Why do we need of an operating system? (OR) Explain the need of an operating system. (OR) What is the need of operating system?
5. What is MS-DOS?
6. What is meant by booting? List the programs that run when you boot your computer.
7. Define the following terms: (1) file (2) folder (3) directory (4) syntax (5) path (6) drive.
8. Name any four internal commands of DOS.
9. List any four external commands of DOS.
10. What is the use of the CLS command and write the syntax.
11. What is the purpose of the REN command and write the syntax?
12. Write down the commands to display the current date and current time on the screen.
13. Discuss root directory and subdirectory.
14. What is meant by directory? How they are created?
15. List any four DOS internal and external commands.
16. List and explain any six DOS internal and external commands.
17. Explain any six DOS external commands with syntax.
18. Distinguish between internal and external commands with syntax.
19. What are the wild cards? Mention the characters which are used as wild cards. Explain the usage of wild cards in DOS commands with examples.
20. Explain the wild cards with examples.
21. Explain briefly about FORMAT command.
22. Give the use of the commands: MD, CD, and RD.
23. Explain the DIR, COPY, CD, TYPE commands in DOS with syntax.
24. Give the use of the DIR command in DOS.
25. Explain the use of the PROMPT command.
26. Explain the use of the SYS command.
Explain briefly about CONFIG.SYS file.