Sunday 31 October 2010

C program to find the second largest element in an array

C program to find the second largest element in an array

int main(){
  int a[50],size,i,j=0,big,secondbig;
  printf("Enter the size of the array: ");
  printf("Enter %d elements in to the array: ", size);

           j = i;

      if(secondbig<a[i] && j != i)
          secondbig =a[i];
  printf("Second biggest: %d", secondbig);
  return 0;

Sample output:
Enter the size of the array: 5
Enter 5 elements in to the array: 5 3 2 1 0
Second biggest: 3

C Program to find the first capital letter in a string using recursion

1. /*
2. * C Program to find the first capital letter in a string using
3. * Recursion
4. */
5. #include <stdio.h>
6. #include <string.h>
7. #include <ctype.h>
9. charcaps_check(char*);
11. int main()
12. {
13. char string[20], letter;
15. printf("Enter a string to find it's first capital letter: ");
16. scanf("%s", string);
17.    letter =caps_check(string);
18. if(letter ==0)
19. {
20. printf("No capital letter is present in %s.\n", string);
21. }
22. else
23. {
24. printf("The first capital letter in %s is %c.\n", string, letter);}
25. return0;
26. }
27. charcaps_check(char*string)
28. {
29. staticinti=0;
30. if(i<strlen(string))
31. {
32. if(isupper(string[i]))
33. {
34. return string[i];
35. }
36. else
37. {
38. i=i+1;
39. returncaps_check(string);
40. }
41. }
42. elsereturn0;
43. }


Enter a string to findit's first capital letter: iloveC
The first capital letter in iloveC is C.

program on Recursive Length of String

// Recursive Length of String
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

intgetlength (const char *);

int main ()
char text [] = "Hello, World";

printf ("String: %s\nLength: %d\nStrlen: %d\n\n", text, getlength (text), strlen (text));

return 0;

intgetlength (const char * s)
if (s == NULL || *s == '\0')
return 0;
return 1 + getlength (s + 1);

C Programs

                                                       C Tokens

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logical operators: Example programs on Logical Operators 
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Conditional Statements:

If condition

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If -Else

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Else if

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C program on quadratic equation by using switch statement
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Unconditional Statements

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Program to demonstrate the working of continue statement in C programming 


Example program on break statement



For loops

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Program to generate the tables using loops
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Program to find out 1.1+2.2+3.3+...n
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Do-While Loop

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Storage Classes
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Pointers comparison
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Example program on Pointer array
Example program on Void pointer 
Example program on pointer to pointer
Printing character Array using pointers
Printing character Array using pointers with puts function
Write a program to read the address
Example program on Dangling pointer
Example program on wild pointer


1 D Array:
1D Array: Example program on array
Program on 1- D array Initialisation
Write a program to find the 2nd Largest and 2nd smallest value
Write a program to delete the particular value from the list
Write a program to perform Cyclically permute the elements of an array

function for searching element in an array with position and also display duplicate values in c

2 D Array:

Wap to bubble sort
Matrix multiplication or product of a matrix or Matrix multiplication 
Transpose of a matrix
Wap to read an 2d array and display 


C Program To Count the Occurence of a Substring in String
Program on Recursive Length of String
Check if a string is a subsequence of another string
C Program to find the first capital letter in a string using recursion
C program to find the second largest element in an array
Program for Functions to insert a sub string into given main string from a given position
Program for To delete n characters from a given position in a given string
Program for To determine if the given string is a palindrome or not
Program that displays the position or index in the string S where the string T begins , or -1 if S doesn’t contain T
Program for To convert the given binary number to its 2’s complement
Program for To convert roman number to it’s decimal equivalent
character handling functions: Example program on character handling functions
Example programs on string handling functions
How do you compare two strings?


Program for To read the two complex numbers and perform the addition and multiplication of these two numbers.
Structures: Program on simulate the     multiplication of fractions using Structures

Structures: Write a program to simulate the time using 'structures'

Structures: Write a program to sort an array of student using Structures




Write a file program explain the data stored on the disk is read
Program which copies one file to another
Program To reverse the first n characters in afile
Program To display the contents of a file
Program To merge the contents of two files into a third file
Copy a text file of integers.
Files: Demonstrate reading names from a file.
Files: This program creates a text file from the keyboard.
Files: Create a grades file for transmission to Registrar.
Files: Example program on fopen() and fclose() functions
Files: Example program on fprintf()
Files: Read a text file of integers, and print the contents.

C Graphics