Tuesday 15 March 2011


                                         External and Internal Question Paper for CFC CM-106

  1. (a) wap to find out whether the given no is prime or not?                                                               (b) Procedure for installing Software
  2. (a) wap to print Fibonacci series                                                                                     (b)procedure for installing Hardware
  3. (a)wap to find out factorial of a given number?                                                                            (b) wap to find whether the given year is leap year or not?
  4. (a) transpose of a matrix                                                                                          (b) wap to find the given no is even or odd
  5. (a) wap to find out whether the given no is palindrome or not?                                                      (b) wap to find the given year is leap year or not?
  6. Explain about call by value and call by reference
  7. (a) wap to find the sum of given two matrices                                                                             (b) c program on quadratic equation by using switch statement
  8. (a) wap to find factorial of a given no using ‘Recursion’ function
  9. (a) wap to print reverse of an array                                                                                           (b)wap to demonstrate ‘type casting’.
  10. wap to find prime or not?
  11. Matrix multiplication or product of a matrix or Matrix multiplication 
  12. (a) wap to illustrate all the ‘string handling’ functions                                                               (b)wap to demonstrate on 2d array
  13. (a) How to write, compile, execute the c program with a simple c program                                (b) wap to convert Fahrenheit to celcious
  14. (a) wap to find sum of n natural no’s
  15. (a) wap to find avg of the 3 subjects using structures                                                                 (b)how do you find the size of the structure
  16. (a)wap to find out the largest of 2 no’s using conditional operators.
  17. (a) wap to factorial using recursion function                                                                                 (b) wap to find even no or odd
  18. (a) wap to find leap year or not?                                                                             (b) wap to find the sum of given two matrices


(1)        (a.)Write the procedure to create a new Word document
(b) Write a C program to find the transpose of a given matrix of order m*n

(2)         (a.) write the procedure to create a bar chart using Excel
(b.) Write C code to find the largest of two numbers using conditional operator
 3. (a) Explain the creation and deletion of a table in a word document
     (b.)wap to determine whether a number is even or odd?
     (c.) Write a C program to find the product of two matrices

4. (a.) Write the method to create a blank database.
    (b.)wap to find the largest of three numbers(using nested if..else or else…if)

5.(a) describe formatting paragraph in word and setting margins
   (b)wap to calculate real roots of quadratic equation
   ©  Write a C program to print the first 20 Fibonacci numbers using arrays
6.(a) how to create a new table in your database?
    (b)wap to find whether a year is leap year or not?(using IF..ELSE)
   © wap test the given no is palindrome or not?
7. (a)What are headers and footers? Explain steps involved in creation of headers and footers?
    (b.) write a program in C to display the name of the day, depending upon the number entered from the keyboard using switch statement
8. (a)What is mail merge? Explain the steps involved in mail merge?
    (b.)wap to calculate the first n natural numbers(using for loop)
9. (a)write the procedure to protect the worksheet in MS Excel
    (b.)wap to find the factorial of a given number(using WHILE loop)
10.(a)Explain the steps involved to assign transitions to a slide presentation
     (b)wap to find the given no is prime number or not?
11.(a)What is a primary key? How will you set a primary key in MS-Access table?
how to create a new table in your database?
     (b.)wap to reverse of a given number using while loop

1)           (a) Write a program in ‘C’that reads two matrices and find their sum
2)           write  a program to find the sum of two 2 dimensional matrices

3)           wap to find factocial of a given no using recursive function
4)           wap to find the length of a given string
5)           Write a C Program that converts temperature from degrees Fahrenheit to centigrade degrees(formula is c=((f-32)*5)/9)

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