To find the GCD of two given integers by using the non recursive function
GCD means Greatest Common Divisor. i.e the highest number which divides the given number
Ex: GCD(12,24) is 12
Formula: GCD= product of numbers/ LCM of numbers
Step 1: start
Step 2: read a,b
Step 3: call sub program g=GCD(a,b)
Step 4: print the g value
Step 5: stop
Sub program:
Step 1: initialize the p=1, q, remainder
Step 2: remainder=p-(p/q*q)
Step 3: remainder=0 return q else goto step 4
Step 4: GCD(q,remainder) return to main program
1. enter the two numbers whose gcd is to be found:5,25 GCD of a,b is : 5
2. enter the two numbers whose gcd is to be found:36,54 GCD of a,b is : 18
3. enter the two numbers whose gcd is to be found:11,13 GCD of a,b is : 1
The program is error free
1)What is meaning of GCD ?
Ans: GCD means Greatest Common Divisor. i.e the highest number which divides the given number
To find the GCD of two given integers by using the non recursive function
GCD means Greatest Common Divisor. i.e the highest number which divides the given number
Ex: GCD(12,24) is 12
Formula: GCD= product of numbers/ LCM of numbers
Step 1: start
Step 2: read a,b
Step 3: call sub program g=GCD(a,b)
Step 4: print the g value
Step 5: stop
Sub program:
Step 1: initialize the p=1, q, remainder
Step 2: remainder=p-(p/q*q)
Step 3: remainder=0 return q else goto step 4
Step 4: GCD(q,remainder) return to main program
1. enter the two numbers whose gcd is to be found:5,25 GCD of a,b is : 5
2. enter the two numbers whose gcd is to be found:36,54 GCD of a,b is : 18
3. enter the two numbers whose gcd is to be found:11,13 GCD of a,b is : 1
The program is error free
1)What is meaning of GCD ?
Ans: GCD means Greatest Common Divisor. i.e the highest number which divides the given number
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