Sunday 12 December 2010

Algorithm for that displays the position or index in the string S where the string T begins , or -1 if S doesn’t contain T


Step 1: start
Step 2: read the string and then displayed
Step 3: read the string to be searched and then displayed
Step 4: searching the string T in string S and then perform the following

i. found=strstr(S,T)
ii. if found print the second string is found in the first string at the position. If not goto step 5
Step 5: print the -1
Step 6: stop


1.enter the first string: kali
Enter the string to be seareched: li
  second string is found in the first string at 2 position
2.enter the first string:
    Enter the string to be seareched:
    second string is found in the first string at 4 position 3.enter the first string:
   Enter the string to be seareched: ma

Conclusion: The program is error free


1)  What is the difference between printf() and puts() ?
Ans: puts() is used to display the string at a time and it doesn’t take any integers values but printf() takes any values as defined by the user

2)  define pointer variable ?
Ans: pointer variables are defined as variable that contain the memory addresses of data or executable code.

3)  What is use of the strcmp() function ?
Ans: This function compares two strings character by character and returns a value 0 if both strings are equal and non zero value if the strings are different.

c programs

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