Sunday 12 December 2010

Flow chart for To determine if the given string is a palindrome or not

If the reverse of a string is equal to original string then it is called palindrome


1. Enter the string:malayalam
The given string malayalam is a palindrome 
2. Enter the string:india
The given string india is not a palindrome 


The program is error free


1) What is meant by palindrome ? 
Ans: If the reverse of a string/number is equal to original string/ number then it is called palindrome. 

2) What is the use of gets() function ? 
Ans: To read the string at a time

3) What is the use of puts() function ? Ans: To write the string at a time

c programs

(To execute this flow chart you should install raptor software)
Download raptor software to draw and execute flow chart

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